Hello Dreamers!

How are you? I skip a week of this weekly update, I know. I’m so sorry! Unfortunately, as I said in previous post, in my week #1496 I attended to the Global Game Jam! This was my first jam at all and it has been hard but very satisfying but I haden’t any time to write a post. I make you a recap!

I joined under a Milan School of digital arts called Event Horizon, everybody in remote mode due Covid situation. Officially the challenge for us started on Friday at 5pm, but the organizer added all partecipants on a dedicated Discord server on Monday. So, on Tuesday I started to find other people to create a team. I really wanted to work on team to focus as much as possible on design, leave all other stuffs to other members.

Almost immediately I find a lot of guys that liked my post on Discord and they wanted to join to me. On Thursday night we had became seven. The magnificent seven!

The great team of GGJ 2022!

Sharon as game designer on her first experience working on a game; Claudia as concept artist and 2D artist. Daniele and Riccardo as 2D artists; Massimiliano on music & SFX; Paolo as developer.

Finally me, as game director, overseeing all the “areas” and I gave an hand to programming for some tedious jobs, but mostly I worked on design.
in the team mostly we hadn’t any experience in a jam, except for Paolo and Massimiliano, so is a big big challenge for us.

The theme of the Global Game Jam was “Duality”. We spent the first two hours in a broad brainstorming, thinking about what kind of project can started, excluding all the ideas that were not within our reach.

I keep thinking that this theme is very strong for a lot of projects story driven where there’s a strong narrative. There were a couple of ideas on the table on this kind but the arists were not convinced because those were too much complex to draw in 48h.

As a director, for me the first goal of the team was to complete the project. Maybe not so perfect, not so refined but playable! So at the end we decided for another type of project with less story but anyway a good expression of duality.

I’m NOT a monster

Title Screen
Tutorial gameplay

The game obviously is not end but is playable! The goal is achived! At the end I worked on pc for 39h on 48h. one of my biggest mental challenge in 28 years of life.

I want to talk a little more on the game in a different post where I will put a lot of information about the the challenge as designer, the idea of duality, some concept of the main character, etc.

Stay tuned! I will keep work on this project so it’s not an end! For now that’s all folks. I leave you a link to download the game so you can play on your pc and give me a feedback! It would be very appreciated!


I need a full week to recharge my battery and… I’m again ready to rock!

Old Dreamer Friend

On this week there’s another news about my life that I want to share to you. One of my greatest friends of high school, a buddy of many adventures write to me a message after years where we weren’t in touch, in order to explain to me his dream. He’s name is Daniel and he work in IT industry as I do and he loved movies and cinema industry.

Many years ago, in 2014 we started a project of a web series, written and directed by us. The name of the series was Paradoxman. There’s still some videos on Youtube of some kind of teaser trailer and vlog.

Unfortunately we never really started with that.

Now, after 8 years, it can be again ready to start! This time my contribution will be only as a supporter but I’m very happy about that!

So in in the next weeks me and Daniel will start to make some calls in order to share dreams and our path to reach them. I’m very happy!