Hello Dreamers!

This week has been not so excited for me. Few news, few challenges, just some thought.

Anyway it was not a bad week at all. I started to develop my super secret game again after some days off after the GGJ.

Maybe, after a strong experience like the jam my mind need to think about my future. I have a lot of ideas about my role in the industry in one year, in five years, in ten years.


All this “plans” require an essential step: improve my ability with English. I’m doing a lot of activity in order to get close to this mile stone which will open a door on a lot of possibilities, but it’s not so easy.

My first problem is to speak and there’s only a way to improve this ability. I have to speak in English with other people, that’s it! Fortunately, my girlfriend has a lot of experience with English and she’s very convinced to speak with me only in English. On mental level is very tiring but I have to do this. Stop!

Ideas for blog

For the next weeks I’m thinking about some ideas to add more content on Looting Dreams.

First of all I want to add more details about the game that me and my team did for the GGJ. Challenges, design, art process…

Then I’m very interested in analyzing some games that I played in the past or newest, in design viewpoint. I love to explore games in depth, finding out mechanics and technical reasons.

I hope you’ll enjoy this weekend, see you next week!!